Meet the Team: Simone Beadle, Director of Partnerships and Experience

Meet the Team: Simone Beadle, Director of Partnerships and Experience

At vitruvi, we often refer to our muse as “our girl.” Simone Beadle is our girl. She’s incredibly kind, warm, and easy to talk to. Not to mention, she has a serious love of botanicals—like a permanently-ink-herself-with-them kind of love.

As director of partnerships and experience, she is constantly connecting with our customers and influencers. She’s done an amazing job growing the vitruvi community; on top of her regular day-to-day, she has also built out our charity partnership with One Girl Can.

We sent her some questions so that we can share her greatness with the world.

What’s your day-to-day like?

My day-to-day is usually pretty different, but that’s something that makes me love this job so much. However, each morning does start the same. I sit down at my desk with a cup of coffee (always a cup of coffee), and check our “hello” account and respond to any customer emails. I always try to get back to everyone as quickly as possible. There’s nothing worse than being ignored for days! Once I’ve done this, I take a look at our Instagram page and look at any posts done by our influencers. I usually chat with a few influencers throughout the day, planning social posts and different giveaways. In reality I basically just get to talk to amazing people all day—not something I can complain about at all!

What do you love most about being a part of the team?

There are so many things that I love about being a part of the vitruvi team, but I really love how well we all fit together. It’s so cool to see the different strengths that come out in conversations, and the little hidden gems that I learn about everyone each day.

Your top three vitruvi favourites?

Ahh only three! Black Stone Diffuser, Dusk, and Geranium. I honestly could list about 10 items, but these three are my go tos.

What question do you get asked most by customers?

I think the most common question people ask is, “What oils blend best together?” Blending the oils is one of my favourite things to do, and can end up creating such beautiful scents!

What are some of your beauty essentials?

I’m a little obsessed with skincare. I’ve never had great skin, so I’ve always been drawn to having skin that glows. I love the Purity Made Simple face wash by Philosophy. It’s helped me get a little bit closer to the dream of clear skin. I’ve also always loved perfume—I was given my first bottle of Burberry at about age 14 from my dad. But I recently purchased what I like to call my first “big girl” perfume: Thé Noir 29 by Le Labo. Scent is always something I’ve been so drawn to. I could be in sweatpants but have perfume on and feel like a million bucks. A good concealer is a must as well. The Tarte Shape Tape is honestly as good as people say, and it smells amazing.

Can you tell us a bit more about the partnership you helped initiate with One Girl Can?

I honestly stumbled upon One Girl Can and I am so glad I did. vitruvi cofounder Sara Panton and I had been chatting about wanting to bring in a charitable component to the office (we both have a background with non-profits) and had pretty specific criteria for the organization that we would partner with. We weren’t sure if we wanted to work with a local or international charity, but we did know a few things: the organization needed to have have very little to no fundraising costs, and needed to help young women reach their full potential.

Sara and I both have travelled to Africa, so we were drawn to organizations working there. One Girl Can seriously checked off every box, and created new ones that we didn’t know we wanted! It is an amazing Vancouver charity that helps young women in Africa go through high school and university, eventually moving on to careers to break the poverty cycle. The organization is run by Lotte Davis, the founder of AG Hair, so it also links to the beauty industry. It honestly could not be a better fit for us! Not to mention Lotte is such an inspiration, and definitely a woman who I admire.

What does your dream bouquet look like?

Growing up, my mom always had flowers or some sort of greenery in the house, so I became so used to having flowers around. I think my dream bouquet is full of different greens, with hints of deep reds. Poppies are one of my favourite flowers, so they would definitely need to be included. I love them so much I got a tattoo on my forearm, so I always have a beautiful bouquet with me.

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?

I’m such a homebody, and absolutely love British Columbia, so I would have to say in the Okanagan. For you non-Canadians, it’s a desert surrounded by mountains and lakes. Not much more a girl could want. If I had to get really adventurous, I would probably choose Ireland. I’ve travelled there before and just absolutely fell in love with the country.

Biggest guilty pleasure TV show?

I’m such a reality TV junkie, so just one is hard to choose. I would probably have to pick Big Brother, though. I don’t like to admit to watching a show that is on three to four times a week, but I did it. And I loved it.

Favourite quote?

“Roll all the windows down, crank up the music, grow out that fro.” – William Hill, This is Us

This interview has been edited and condensed.