Scent Style: Rachel Krupa, Founder of Krupa Consulting and The Goods Mart

Scent Style: Rachel Krupa, Founder of Krupa Consulting and The Goods Mart

Rachel Krupa describes herself as “vibrational,” which, frankly, is an attitude we can get behind. The founder of public relations and branding agency Krupa Consulting and conscious convenience store The Goods Mart is no stranger to the hustle, but she’s not afraid to take things slow and focus her energy inward, either. Here’s how she scents her New York home.

Scent is so personal. What does it mean to you?

Scent is everything to me—it can uplift, calm, and transport me to another place and time. Working with aromas should be an essential part of one’s wellbeing routine.

Describe your personality in three to five words.

Driven, focused, and vibrational.

With those words in mind, tell us about the diffuser blend that you’ve created to represent your scent style.

I fell in love with two vitruvi blends: Ceremony and Quiet.

The Cedarwood, Palo Santo, and Clary Sage in Ceremony drop me into my creative zone. The blend centers me, uplifting me while bringing out a “can-do” momentum. The combination clears any negative thoughts and brings clarity to the tasks I have at hand. It’s my go-do daytime blend.

Once my day is coming to a close, I use Quiet to transition my focus on slowing down, finding time to connect with myself, and reflecting on the day. One sniff of Ylang Ylang and I’m instantly settled. I’m a big believer in rituals and diffusers, and scents are a big part of my daily routine.

What room do you diffuse this scent in and when do you diffuse it?

I diffuse in most rooms of my house, which is why I love the Move Diffuser! My day starts in my living room, when I roll out of bed and start to move my body with a morning centering session with The Class by Taryn Toomey, followed by a 20-minute transcendental meditation.

After moving and centering, my diffuser transitions to where I’m working: my kitchen or bedroom. As the day comes to a close, it’s next to me as I lay on my Biomat and stretch, and then it joins me back in my bedroom to provide me sweet scents to go to sleep with.

Aside from scent, what else makes you feel truly at home in your space?

Aside from scents, sounds and softness are what make me feel at home. Similar to scents, sounds transport you; they can uplift you and calm you. Softness can be anything from lighting, to the texture of furniture, to the blankets and colors that fill a space. Home is a sacred space to feel warm and calm in.

What’s your favorite thing about your home?

It’s my haven of all the things that I love and want to surround myself with.


AM: 15 drops Ceremony Essential Oil Blend

PM: 15 drops Quiet Essential Oil Blend