Scent Style: Salam Hello Founder Mallory Solomon

Scent Style: Salam Hello Founder Mallory Solomon

Mallory Solomon fell in love with the handcrafted rugs she discovered on a trip to Morocco, and the rest, as they say, was history.

The ex-advertising executive saw firsthand the incredible craftsmanship and artisanship that goes into these pieces, and knew she wanted to bring them to a wider audience—at a fair price for both consumers and artists. The result is Salam Hello, which works directly with weavers in Morocco to sustainably support their work.

Living between Marrakech and Southern California, Solomon uses scent to ground herself and bring a sense of familiarity to her spaces. Here’s how she does it. 

Scent is so personal. What does it mean to you?

Scent is a transcending sense. It brings me beyond where I am in a specific moment—back to a season, a person, a memory. It’s the first sense that awakens my brain; it foreshadows a season change, alerts me that a friend is nearby, or grounds me to feel at home.

I recently lost my father, and through my early stages of intense grief, being reminded of his smell has been a comforting feeling.

Describe your personality in three to five words.

Dedicated, ambitious, loyal, empathic.

With those words in mind, tell us about the diffuser blend that you’ve created to represent your scent style.

Over the last year, I’ve been commuting back and forth from my home in Marrakech to my childhood home in Southern California in order to help take care of my dad’s declining health. Arriving at either destination, one of the first things I do when entering my home or workspace is realign the scent of the space. In my home and workspace in Marrakech, it’s a combination of Bergamot and a splash of Lavender to create a cozy, comforting vibe. This is especially important when I invite guests into the Salam Hello workspace—it’s important we create a comforting environment, as they purchase items for their most personal spaces.

When I’m in California, it’s all about accentuating the surrounding environment and bringing the outside in. Notes of Eucalyptus and Lavender are great for creating a relaxing and calming environment.

Why did you choose each of these oils and how do they work together? What does the final aroma smell like or remind you of?

For me, these scents are ways to set the mood. They provide your mind and body with cues to relax, feel calm, and most importantly, to welcome yourself home.

What room do you diffuse this scent in and when do you diffuse it?

While the diffuser spends the most of the time in the Salam Hello workspace in Marrakech, it does travel with me: from the center of the workspace, to my living room in Marrakech, to my bedroom in California. And each time, it has a different purpose—a different mood to help align.

Aside from scent, what makes you feel truly at home in your space?

Relics of moments past; pictures of my grandma, family, friends. Drawings from my nephew. Having parts of my past life allows me to feel grounded in my present one. A room is also not complete to me without plants, a cozy rug, and a playlist humming in the background.

What’s your favorite thing about your home?

The moments you bring to the space and memories created in the home itself. Surrounding myself with visuals, smells, and pieces that allow me to feel connected to the past and present.


10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
5 drops Lavender Essential Oil


10 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil