Scent Style: Publicist Sharla Farrell

Scent Style: Publicist Sharla Farrell

Sharla Farrell is one of those magical people whose energy permeates far beyond her physical body. She draws those around her in with her warmth and her vibrancy; she exudes a confidence and a bold humor that make you instantly want to be her friend (really).

As founder of Easy Consulting Studio, a public relations and digital marketing firm, she has worked with brands including Blume, Bumble, Osprey, Parade, and Chevrolet. And no wonder: she is effortlessly cool, ridiculously smart, and deeply creative. Here’s how she scents her Vancouver home.

Scent is so personal. What does it mean to you?

Scent is healing and grounding for me. I always have various scents going in my apartment during the day when I work from home. My vitruvi Move Diffuser will be on in the bedroom or at my desk while I’m working, a scented candle in the bathroom, and incense burning in the living area. I’m a big fan of scent branding and having signature fragrances, because I love to be remembered by my scents.

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Describe your personality in three to five words.

Bold. Outgoing. Compassionate. Ambitious. Creative.

With those words in mind, tell us about the vitruvi scent that you feel represents yourΒ scent style.

Golden and Legacy both represent my scent style. Golden is bright and cozy, which reminds me of my bold, compassionate, and outgoing personality. Legacy reminds me of my creative and ambitious side.

Why did you choose this scent?

I tend to gravitate towards woodsy, floral, and citrus scents. Cedarwood and Sandalwood are two of my favorite scents. Any scent with those notes is good by me.

Sharla Farrell Scent Style

What room do you diffuse this scent in and when do you diffuse it?

In my at-home office space. I diffuse them during the day. Legacy is my nine-to-five blend, and Golden is my after-work-hours choice.

Aside from scent, what else makes you feel truly at home in your space?

I love having an eclectic mix of vintage pieces and good scores from Marketplace or Craigslist to help tie my place together. I try to make my home feel like a cozy β€˜70s-inspired paradise, so I have colorful mood lighting and a lava lamp. Also musicβ€”music has to be on at all times; ideally jazz, rap, funk, or indie rock, which also makes me feel at home in my space.

What’s your favorite thing about your home?

The magazine display wall in my office space. As a public relations professional, I’ve always been drawn to magazines as a way to keep up with the latest news and support the print industry. And before I even entered the industry, I loved to buy and subscribe to fashion or lifestyle magazines for their covers and editorial stories. As we move into a mostly digital world, there’s just something so special about having a tangible magazine to hold, flip through, and read while relaxing on your couch. I tend to switch the magazines out every season and I am so happy to have many diverse faces represented on the wall. To me, the magazine display wall feels like art.

How do you find balance at home?

For me, it can be a bit difficult to find balance at home because my office space is in my living area, so I specifically keep work out of the bedroom. That means not checking emails when I’m in bed and only doing work-related tasks when I’m sitting at my desk. Balance to me is in the form of mindful meditation or breathwork, manifestation sessions, and reading my tarot cards with a good glass of natural wine.