Tips for Staying Healthy During Travel

Tips for Staying Healthy During Travel

There’s nothing like travel to throw off your wellness routine. Fortunately, planning ahead can make all the difference in how balanced you’ll feel on the road. We’ve put together some of our favourite self-care travel tips to keep you healthy this season, whether you’re going home to visit family, heading to a conference, or taking that much-needed vacation in the tropics.

Proactively grocery shop

Try to hit a grocery store as soon as you arrive. Keeping healthy snacks like mandarins and raw nuts close by ensures you don’t make bad decisions out of convenience (or hanger) later.

Make bright infusions

Because nothing is more important than hydration to stay on your A-game, creating fruity infusions can make consuming enough water a breeze. Keep a carafe of water infused with juicy orange slices and cranberries for an easy way to stay in check.

Do bodyweight workouts

Exercise is harder when you don’t have your gym, yoga studio, or running trails nearby, but there are a lot of great (and fast) exercises you can do with just your bodyweight in a hotel room. Try doing 10 pushups, 30 deep squats, 20 lunges per side, 50 crunches, 15 tricep dips, and a one-minute plank to finish off. See how that feels, then modify your numbers until you get a healthy burn.

Schedule down time

It can be easy to get swept up in other people’s plans and energies, so try to fit in some quiet time to keep your battery charged. Even 15 minutes with a quiet cup of coffee and a journal before others wake up can offer a quick recalibration before you start the day.

Take in the moment

While travel can overwhelm us with sensory overload, it’s also a great time to practice mindfulness. Whenever you can, try to notice the colours, the glittering lights, the scents of delicious food, and the people. These are memories in the making.